Lovers’ Fruit Punch

I love fruit drinks as long as I remember. There is something about fruit flavours that bring the childhood happiness, that is fun and pure.
Fruit drink is such a great way to refresh, and this Fruit Punch is a beautiful and delicious summer drink.
In fact, it reminds me of the fruit punch I used to have when I was little living in Hong Kong. When I have been extra good, my parents would alllow me to have this fruit punch in a Hong Kong style cafe. The fruit punch is actually very simple - just a bit of canned mixed fruits, water and ice, plus a magical syrup that makes the flavour very unique, and the drink red!
It was my "reward" drink and I treasured it very much. Now I can have it again, but without the naughty syrup and added colour.
Comparing to the usual fruit punch, this version is non alcoholic, making it a great fruit punch for family lunch parties.
Makes 2 tall glasses
- 2-4 strawberries, cut into wedges
- 2 tablespoon mixed fruit
- 400ml Schweppes Lemonade (blue label one)
- half a cup of strong Strawberry fruit infusion
- To make strong Strawberry cream infusion, place 1 heap teaspoon of strawberry cream in a cup and add half a cup hot water.
- Brew for 10 minutes. Wait for it to cool down.(If you are in a hurry, place the infusion in the freezer).
- In two tall glasses, unevenly distribute the mixed fruit and strawberries (you are the maker, so you can have more fruit
- Pour in chilled lemonade, then add strawberry infusion.
- Ready to serve!

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