Origami Bonsai by Benjami John Coleman

Origami Bonsai

-by Benjamin John Coleman, Tuttle Publishing


Origami brings back the childhood memory, but “serious” origami is no child’s play.


I love this “Origami Bonsai” book by Tuttle Publishing for its pursuit of the creative craftsmanship beyond hobby grade. Yet, at the same time, the book begins with basics with a list of tools and paper to use. 

 Origami Bonsai by Tuttle Publishing

The basic folds are demonstrated, accompanied by photos. The interesting blend of using actual dried tree branches and glued the origami flowers and leaves to creative unique arrangement each time.


The simple elegance of bonsai is dancing delightfully with delicate paper flowers and leaves painted to different colour depths to create a more realistic representation. 


The piece is then attached to a piece of rock to compliment the natural curves and bends of the “paper plant”. The artwork is placed on a dish sometimes to complete the look.

 Origami Bonsai by Tuttle Publishing

For me, I love the intriguing theatre of bonsai - the tree branches that seem to almost make the bonsai tumbled off balance are actually incredible strong and steady. 


The nature works in mysterious ways, bending and folding in such way seems to defy gravity and all expectations. 


In Origami Bonsai, besides you can go flower folding crazy, you can also create your own gravity defying art that would wow your friends. They may even catch your origami fever ;)
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