Japanese Cooking with Manga

Japanese Cooking with Manga: Easy recipes your friends will love!

- By The Gourmand Gohan Team: Alexis Aldeguer, Maiko-san and Ilaria Mauro

Japanese Cooking with Manga, is a cookbook like no other.

Part Manga and part cookbook, it is a cookbook that you can almost read like a story, but with loads of favourite Japanese recipes. Fun to read and play with Japanese cooking by yourself or with your family.

It is an entertaining introduction to the world of Japanese food, and an approachable book for those interested in learning more about Japanese food culture. While it may not become your go-to cookbook for a washoku master class, it is a stepping stone—one to make you smile along the way as you dig deeper into Japanese cuisine.

Teas.com.au book giveaway - 12 weeks to Christmas
For 12 weeks, we will review 1 book per week - the book reviewed is also the one we give away.

To enter to win the "book of the week":
1) email your friends and (bcc) us of this email address
2) add "TEA LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE 8" anywhere in your email to share the review.

One friend emailed = one chance to win.
The more friends emailed, the more chances to win.
Enter as many "book of the week" draws as you like by sharing the review as mentioned above.

This draw is open to enter for 1 week from the review post date - from midnight 26 Nov to midnight 2 Dec 2018, Sydney (Australia time)

Have fun and read for your pleasure and leisure, with a delightful cup of tea!


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