Find Happiness in Tea Drinking

I believe that a cup of tea can bring the happiness most of us seek.

In our busy lives, choose to be HAPPY above all seems like a mission impossible. Yet, just like the concept of Kaizen, small steps like choosing a good leaf tea you enjoy drinking can bring in big results to your health, mindfulness and happiness. 

So while I was researching on the health benefits of tea for this article I found the Go for Your Life website. It is such a great way for the Government to look at health not from FIXING the sick, but preventing sickness. 

Go for Your Life is a Victorian Government initiative which aims to increase levels of physical activity and healthy eating and promote stronger communities. Search the A to Z index for hundreds of ideas to help you stay happy, healthy and active.


I think any tea can bring about happiness. It comes down to HOW you drink it. Take yourself off the dunking a teabag in a mug and take it back to work.

Try enjoy your tea finish before going back to work. Put all craziness and rushing on a pause just for 5 minutes, and drink your tea intentionally, present and focus on the flavours.

Allow yourself to take a deep breath and enjoy the tea aroma again. 

One tea I love drinking during work to slow down is HAPPY. 

Great name for a tea, right?  ;)

Happy is a soft and floral tea blend is created to inspire you to be playful (we have green tea mixed with black tea and some colourful petals). Be curious again no matter what is in front of you, and above all, choose HAPPY.

So pick a tea you love, that makes you happy and healthy.